Saturday, 24 November 2012

PepperandMayne Interview

I have managed to secure an interview for a 3 month placement that I am able to do from home, and so can do as much as I like while still easily continuing with university, and giving me more experience at the same time. I have started to work on a strategy for their brand from the information that I have, which from their website isn't much as the website isn't completely up and ready since they aren't launching until January 2013.
However they have already set up a Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest page. I have found the weak spots in these pages, and have started to put a presentation together which holds some
I have however started to look at items such as Newsletters, other market places, other forms of social media and a few off-line ideas such as pop-up shops, and events that they could go and sell too.
This ties in nicely with my PDP as it will update my skills and also means that I have completed one of my tasks that I have set myself, my placement for 2013 wants me to improve on my social media and this will allow me to do this as well as giving me the extra placement that I wanted to do. It is also perfect since I can do a second placement because this one can be done from home.

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